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歡樂足球隊 vs Challenger Ken's Team (1 OCT 2006 - SUN) 賽後報告

查看數: 7811| 回複數: 4| 2010-6-29 15:21

Date: 1 OCT 2006 - SUN
Time: 1000 - 1200
Venue: 巴富街足球場
V.S.: Challenger Ken's Team
Squad: Ming, Stanley, Chris, Raymond, Chiu, Tony, Fai, Yokin, Yuk, Ben, AR B, Shing, Bruce, Eddie
Result: 3-9
Scorer: Chiu x2, OG x1

發表評論 評論 (4 回復)

bkin 2010-6-29 15:21
Chris:  歡樂球隊客場3-9不敵球隊Challenger Ken's Team
路透電---衛冕冠軍歡樂足球隊周日在客場令人意外地以3-9不敵 Challenger Ken's Team之後,歡樂球隊已經滑落至積分榜第四位。Challenger Ken's Team的德國射手亞基在第36分鐘從左路突破,接亞馬短傳破門,為球隊鎖定本場勝利。
「我們的活力不夠,因此無法帶走分數,」歡樂球隊隊長亞Shing說。「有人覺得我們已經是最偉大的球隊了,」亞Shing說。「但是偉大的球隊也應該能在客場戰勝Challenger Ken's Team。」

bkin 2010-6-29 15:21
Vincent:  好尋未輸個波囉……  
bkin 2010-6-29 15:21
Ming: Is that 3 - 7? and Chiu x 1 and OG x 2?
Nevermind, I think We take a good lesson in this match.
bkin 2010-6-29 15:22
Chiu:  the first goal is a rebound from my leg by their defender's clearance.. should be a OG..
I miss a number of chance... hope do better this Sunday in Roy's match

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